Hot Fudge Brownie Bread Recipe

Do you like sweet things that have a lot of chocolate? Then you will like the Hot Fudge Brownie Bread! It is a special and yummy snack that has two kinds of sweet things: hot fudge and brownies. Think of a bread that is soft and wet, with pieces of brownies inside. Every bite is full of chocolate that will make you feel good and full.

Hot Fudge Brownie Bread Recipe

What Is Hot Fudge Brownie Bread?

Do you love sweet things that have chocolate? Then you will love the Hot Fudge Brownie Bread! It is a great thing that has two good things: brownies and bread. The thing is a mix of soft, wet, and very chocolatey bread-like parts, with hot fudge inside. It is a sweet thing that is not normal, as it has the warm feeling of bread with the rich taste of brownies.

In this post, we will learn about the Hot Fudge Brownie Bread recipe, and how to make this great thing in your home. So, get ready to start a fun trip of baking – it’s time to see the magic of Hot Fudge Brownie Bread!

How To Make Hot Fudge Brownie Bread Recipe Step By Steps

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Hot Fudge Brownie Bread Variations

1. Nutty Delight

Put small pieces of nuts like walnuts or pecans in the mix for a crunchy and different taste to the soft brownie parts. Put some on top to make it look nice.

2. Salted Caramel Infusion

Pour salted caramel sauce over the cooked Hot Fudge Brownie Bread for a yummy mix of sweet and salty tastes. The saltiness goes well with the chocolate.

3. Raspberry Ripple

Put fresh or frozen raspberries in the mix for a sour and bright taste. The fruit will make the chocolate less heavy.

4. Marshmallow Madness

Put small marshmallows in the mix for a sticky and soft change. Or, put them between the brownie mix for a Hot Fudge Brownie Bread that looks like s’mores.

5. Minty Fresh

Put mint extract or peppermint pieces for a cool and fresh change on this chocolatey sweet thing. The mix of chocolate and mint is a common favorite.

6. White Chocolate Drizzle

When your Hot Fudge Brownie Bread is cold, pour melted white chocolate over it for a nice look and a sweeter, smoother taste.

7. Spicy Surprise

Put a little bit of cayenne pepper or ground chili in the mix for a spicy surprise that makes the chocolate taste deeper. It’s a different way for those who like a little bit of heat.

8. Coffee Infusion

Put in instant coffee bits or espresso powder to make the chocolate taste stronger and add a nice coffee taste to your brownie bread.

9. Cookie Dough Swirl

Put pieces of your favorite cookie dough in your brownie bread for a nice surprise in every bite. The different textures and tastes are very good.

10. Nutella Heaven

Put Nutella in the mix for an extra part of hazelnut-chocolate goodness. This makes a Nutella-filled wonder inside your bread.

Hot Fudge Brownie Bread Recipe

Hot Fudge Brownie Bread

In this post, we'll guide you through the steps to create a mouthwatering hot fudge brownie bread recipe.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Bread, Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 5
Calories 250 kcal


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter melted
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • Turn on your oven and make it hot. Put some oil or butter on a square pan.
  • In a big bowl, mix flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Add milk, butter, and vanilla. Stir well until smooth.
  • In another bowl, mix sugar and cocoa for the sauce. Sprinkle it on top of the batter in the pan.
  • Pour hot water over everything. Do not mix or shake it.
  • Put the pan in the oven and bake for half an hour. The brownie will be on top, and the sauce will be on the bottom.
  • Take out the pan and let it cool a little. Cut and eat the brownie while it is warm and gooey!
Keyword Brownie Bread Recipe, Hot Fudge Brownie Bread

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