Bassoon Cake Recipe

Today, we’re going to have fun and learn how to make a very special cake – the Bassoon Cake. This cake is amazing because it looks like a bassoon, a musical instrument. It tastes great and also lets you show your artistic skills.

Bassoon Cake Recipe
Bassoon Cake Recipe

What is a Bassoon Cake?

A Bassoon Cake is different from a real bassoon, which is an instrument that makes sound. A Bassoon Cake is a cake that has a top that looks like a bassoon. You use fondant, a type of sugar paste, and careful work to make the top. This cake shows that you can cook well and be creative at the same time.

How to serve bassoon cake?

1. Show the Artistry:

Put the Chocolate Bassoon Cake on a nice cake stand or a fancy plate to make it look more beautiful. Make sure it is the main attraction in your display.

2. Show the Details:

Put the cake so that the bassoon decorations on top of the cake are easy to see. They are made with fondant, a kind of soft sugar, and look very artistic.

3. Get Essentials:

Use a sharp knife or a tool for cutting cakes to make neat, even cuts.Have a tool for serving cakes or a flat tool ready to pick up and serve each piece with care.

4. Make Portions:

Cut the cake into pieces with smooth, careful movements. Start by cutting around the cake’s edge to make equal portions.

5. Serve with Elegance:

Move each piece onto a plate for each person, making sure the bassoon decoration stays on the piece.

6. Add Finesse:

Think about adding some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream next to each piece to make the cake more delicious.

7. Add Final Touches:

Sprinkle some cocoa powder or put some chocolate pieces on the plates for an extra fancy look.

8. Arrange with Aesthetic:

Place the pieces on the plates in a way that shows the bassoon design, making sure each piece has the artistic look of the cake.

9. Share the Experience:

Tell your guests how you made the cake or why you chose the bassoon design. This makes the serving more personal.

How to store bassoon cake?

1.Airtight Containers

Use containers or wraps that do not let air in or out to keep the cake from getting hard or tasting like other things.

2. Separate Storage

Think about keeping the bassoon decorations in a different place that is not hot or wet to stop them from getting too soft or changing their shape.

3. Avoid Moisture

Do not put the cake near places with a lot of water in the air to keep the frosting from getting too wet or sticky.

Bassoon Cake Recipe

Bassoon Cake Recipe

A Bassoon Cake is a cake that has a top that looks like a bassoon. You use fondant, a type of sugar paste, and careful work to make the top.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Cake
Cuisine American
Servings 5
Calories 210 kcal


For Cake

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • cups granulated sugar
  • ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • tsp baking powder
  • tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water

For the Frosting

  • 1 cup unsalted butter softened
  • 3-4 cups powdered sugar
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 4-5 tbsp heavy cream or milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  • Fondant various colors
  • Food coloring for desired colors
  • Edible silver or gold dust optional for highlights


Prepare the Cake

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
  • In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  • Add eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla to the dry ingredients and mix well. Stir in boiling water, the batter will be thin.
  • Pour the batter evenly into the prepared pans.
  • Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Allow the cakes to cool completely on wire racks.

Prepare the Frosting

  • In a mixing bowl, beat the softened butter until creamy.
  • Gradually add powdered sugar and cocoa powder while mixing on low speed.
  • Add vanilla extract and heavy cream or milk. Mix until the frosting is smooth and spreadable. Adjust consistency if needed.

Assemble the Cake

  • Place one cake layer on a serving plate. Spread a layer of frosting on top.
  • Place the second cake layer on top and frost the top and sides of the cake evenly.

Create the Bassoon Decoration

  • Roll out fondant to about 1/8-inch thickness. Cut out shapes resembling a bassoon, including the body, keys, and mouthpiece.
  • Use food coloring to paint the details on the fondant pieces. Allow them to dry before placing them on the cake.
  • Arrange the fondant bassoon pieces on top of the cake in a creative design.


  • If desired, use edible silver or gold dust to highlight certain areas of the bassoon decoration for a more realistic effect.
Keyword Bassoon Cake

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